Rootme Prob . ELF x86 - KeygenMe
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2020.02.06 -
Rootme Prob. SHA 2-
Crypto도 친해져야한다.. 쉬운것 부터 차근차근 시간 내서 풀어봅시다 문제 설명은 다음과 같다. This hash was stolen during a session interception on a critical application, errors may have occurred during transmission. No crack attempt has resulted so far; hash format seems unknown. Find the corresponding plaintext. 해석해보면, 해쉬값이 손상된 것으로 보인다. 해당 문제에서 손상 된 것을 눈치껏 찾고, 변환시켜 푸는 문제라고 생각했다. 문제는 이것이다. The answer is the SHA-1 of this password...
2020.02.02 -
Command & Control - level 2
Goal : Find Hostname Category : Memory Analysis Description You have requested a memory dump but before starting your analysis you wanted to take a look at the antivirus’ logs. Unfortunately, you forgot to write down the workstation’s hostname. But since you have its memory dump you should be able to get it back! Almost Forensic File is so big data. This binary is 177MB (Compressed by tbz2). For..
2020.01.26 -
KaKaoTalk MacOS Analysis
보호되어 있는 글입니다.
2020.01.26 -
HackerFactory 10번문제
#-*-coding:utf-8-*- import requests import urllib3 def Parse(): urllib3.disable_warnings() #url_1 = "" url_2 = "" #parseData = "" parseData = "존재하지 않는 회원입니다" rp = LOGIN_DATA = { 'id': 'guest1', 'password': 'guest1' } #res = rp(url_1,data=LOGIN_DATA,verify=False) #print (res.text) ..
2020.01.25 -
Hacker Factory 7번문제
원본 코드 var PasswordEncrypt = { _keyStr : "DUYZabcVWdQefGghijklmAnEFopqrHstKLuvXwRSxyz0IO12M34JN5B6789+PT/=C", encode : function (input) { var output = ""; var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0; // input은 3의배수가 될 것임 // input이 만약 abc라면 // chr1 : 0x61 // 2 : 0x62 // 3 : 0x63 while (i < input.length) { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCode..