Command & Control - level 2

2020. 1. 26. 04:230x0C Forensic/rootme


Goal : Find Hostname

Category : Memory Analysis



You have requested a memory dump but before starting your analysis you wanted to take a look at the antivirus’ logs. Unfortunately, you forgot to write down the workstation’s hostname. But since you have its memory dump you should be able to get it back!


Almost Forensic File is so big data.

This binary is 177MB (Compressed by tbz2).


For most memory analyses, a tool called volatility is used. 

I discovered some profiles (relavated Win7). 


This is Document of Volatility.


DLL List can't confirm hostname. 


We recognize that this problem's goal is finding 'hostname'. 

and Already offered hint. "antivirus’ logs"


So, i decided that not use 'volatility'.

I was tried hex application. and then, i found this word.

This Word is 'AppData'. It meant that contained all of Windows Operating System. 

for example. C:\Users\c0nstant\AppData\ .. 


That's why I thought that JohnDoe is hostname. Unfortunately, it is not flag. 

Therefore, I recognized this is not workstation's name.


Soon, I thought abt another idea.  

I discovered 'cmdline' among the volatility command option. -f ./ch2.dmp --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 cmdline

and.. I knew it was John Doe, not JohnDoe, and I realized that I missed '0x20' from Hex Data.


What?? It is not flag !! ..

Oh.. Suddenly I realized John Doe is Computer Name, not HostName.


I imagined how can i see HostName in Win OS.

First Trying : dumpregistry 


I didn't find clue.

Second Trying : hivelist -f ./ch2.dmp --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 hivelist

And then, I found this path through google.

 Key word : where is hostname stored in registry 

The google informed for me, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName"

and I already found "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM"



Finally, Several trials and errors, starting with the keywords in question, have finally gained the flag !! 

key word : how to use registry context using volatility's plugin hivelist (didn't get any information)


First Try 


Second Try

Third Try

How to find CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName using in Volatility's plugin hivelist -f ./ch2.dmp --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 printkey -K "controlset001\control\computername"


How to find HostName in "\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM" using by Volatility -f ./ch2.dmp --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 printkey -o 0x8b21c008 -K "ControlSet001\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName"

Get A FLAG !!