DreamHack - [CodeEngn] MobileApp L01 Write up

2022. 10. 13. 03:350x0C Forensic


I wrote two versions Eng and Kor. 

I solved this challenge with two methodologies. Now, I wrote an English version (Methodology #1).

The methodology #2 drafts are not started yet. Coming soon.



English Version: https://sangsoo-lab.notion.site/Eng-ver-CodeEngn-Mobile-App-L01-First-Methodology-ab096b2bd05c4f79b16ac5a2e21233bd


Eng ver. [CodeEngn] Mobile App L01 First Methodology

This posting is reveal how I can get a flag on this challenge.



Korean Version: https://sangsoo-lab.notion.site/Kor-ver-CodeEngn-Mobile-App-L01-First-Methodology-ed08ec33e01d4779b3bb6145cdc46907


Kor ver. [CodeEngn] Mobile App L01 First Methodology

이 포스팅은 Dreamhack 챌린지 문제 중 ‘[CodeEngn] Mobile App L01’에 대해 설명한다.



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