#-*-coding:utf-8-*- # 카이사르 복호화 코드 def decoding(encode_str,n): decode_str ="" #D_str의 글자수만큼 반복 for i in encode_str: if(ord(i)>=65 and ord(i)<=90): #capital letter if(ord(i)-n<65): #not capital letter x = chr(ord(i)+(26-n)) else: x = chr(ord(i)-n) elif (ord(i)>=97 and ord(i) <= 122): #small letter if(ord(i)-n < 97): #not small letter x= chr(ord(i)+(26-n)) else: x=chr(ord(i)-n) decode_str += x else: decode_str +=i return decode_str #NVCTFDV KF JLEZERKRJ REU KFURP ZJ R XFFU URP REU RLKYBVP ZJ GCRZUTKWZJMVIPYRIU  text = raw_input("input >>") for i in range(1,26): #ROT 0~25 print(str(i)+","+"=> "+decoding(text,i)+" ROT="+str(i))